Free Zones of UAE and UAE Corporate TAX

Understanding the Distribution of Goods taxability Qualifying Activities generate Qualifying Income, Qualifying Income makes a Free Zone Person as a Qualifying Free Zone Person and then only automatic eligible for 0% Corporate Tax Rate, whether the transaction is with another Free Zone entity or Non-Free Zone entity. One of the 13 Qualifying Activities is: Distribution […]

Permanent Establishment and Tax Compliance

In today’s globalized business landscape, companies are expanding their operations across borders, reaching new markets and customers. However, this expansion also brings new challenges in terms of tax compliance, particularly related to the concept of Permanent Establishment (PE). In this blog, we will delve into the significance of understanding PE and the importance of ensuring […]

Deferred Tax vs. Corporate Tax

Deferred Tax vs. Corporate Tax

Deferred Income Tax is soon going to be UAE’s accountants’ headache because its concept and application is not easy to understand.  But it is so for accountants because it has been taken so at its name’s value. Only for Deferred Tax, if one may say that “What’s in a name!”, life will be easy. Here […]