Strategic Planning

Strategy specifies how an organization matches its own capabilities with the opportunities in the marketplace. Strategy describes how an organization can create value for its customers while differentiating itself from its competitors.

Strategic Planning (Handholding and Facilitation)

Strategy specifies how an organization matches its own capabilities with the opportunities in the marketplace. Strategy describes how an organization can create value for its customers while differentiating itself from its competitors.

For example, when Marketing is strategy, the important question is not “What else can we make?” but “What else can we do for our customers?”

Examples of basis of developing Strategy:

  • Double business valuation in 5 years
  • Increase earnings by an average of 25% per annum
  • Achieve an internal rate of return 3% above the cost of capital
  • Increase both production and reserves by 15% in the next decade.

As part of our Strategic Analysis work, we formulate an organization’s Strategy, by first thoroughly understanding its industry. We understand and focus on five forces in formulating a Strategic Plan:

  • Competitors
  • Potential new entrants
  • Equivalent products
  • Bargaining power of customers
  • Bargaining power of input suppliers

Formulating Strategy is important and vital. But knowing your Cost is the activity every business organization must actively engage in, to convert its strategy into improved Profitability. We do it by Scenario building (‘What if’) and see the business responses.

Identifying News Ways to Generate Revenue

During challenging economic times, many firms quickly find ways to reduce costs. But this is also a time to become more innovative, borrowing learnings from multiple disciplines, in finding ways to sustain and even grow sales revenue.

We go beyond our Finance role and delve into Revenue and corresponding Profitability.