Looking for Boutique Tax Advisory and CFO Services in Dubai?

We, at The Total CFO, Welcome YOU! Make us your partner for customized Tax Advisory, CFO Services and much more in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Northern Emirates of UAE. Let our involvement make your business compliant, minimize your risk, mitigate your liabilities and optimize your profits. We specialize in:

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Our Clients

Our Team will happy to serve you.

How We Work

We Partner with businessmen and enterpreneurs to Size Up, Scale Up, Increase Valuation and make their team independent decision makers.


Share with us your Vision and Mission Statements. This will tell us what you really want …. (If you have not one, We can help you draft it)


We will present you with our plan for you (Scope of Work) you may then modify it or confirm it as it is.


We engage is then Fees negotiation based on Value – addition.


Partner with you in achieving you business vision and you keep moving up is your entrepreuned Journey.

Our Services

UAE Corporate Tax

Review of the impact of the key aspects of UAE CT Law, Analyzing the current position of the business incl. its transactions, Review of the ERP System among others. Key aspects may include Residential Status, Tax Group applicability, Exempt Income, Deductible & Non-Deductible expenditures, Reliefs as available, Transitional Provisions, Related Party transactions, Aspects of Recasting of opening balance sheet, among others.

CFO Services

We provide you with Strategy support, Risk minimization, Liability management, Cash flow optimization, Revenue-Profit correlation, among others.

Our Virtual CFOs are caring and responsible, providing exceptional virtual CFO services in Dubai. They feel a personal responsibility to the company, its shareholders, employees, and anyone else whose livelihood depends on the success of the company they work for.

Accounting Services

Monthly Accounts Closing ensure that all events & transactions have been recorded based on Matching Principle and Going Concern basis. Accounting Advisory Services comes in handy when an entity has its own team of accountants but the expertise of International Accounting Standards, IFRS is not available in-house. We fill in that void.


VAT is an abbreviation for Value Added Tax. It is a percentage(%)of the sale price. VAT is a typeof tax that is added to the price of goods or services at everystage of production or distribution.When a business sells a product or service, they add VAT to the price and collect it from thecustomer.

ERP Implementation

Yours and Our coming together will create an ecosystem that is uniquely positioned to help your company re-visit and re-look at the ERP System as has been implemented. We will make you see whether ROI in terms of time and money spent is being generated and measurable. We can’t do it alone. 

About CFO

We Conduct Health-Check as to how a compansion Management takes Decision how quickly they take it and who takes it.

We instantly do a GAP Analysis, suggest a set of solutions, model and actions, agrees upon the workable ones and Execute them/realise the outcome by become part of the company’s team.

We have done it!
Customer Retention is a Finance Function
To support Management Decisions
MIS & Reports
We know it ‘How’ !
'Process’ is the key to Cash Flow Management
Consider our ERP Audit to move ahead
Unlock Your ERP Investment