Corporate Service Provider
Company Formation (Mainland, Free Zone, Offshore)
Advising & Facilitating Creation and Establishment of Legal Persons (with Mainland, Free Zone, Offshore licensing authorities) in UAE

Establishing a legal entity is a prerequisite for starting one’s business. This needs to be carefully planned and the cost of formation should be the last criterion.
We evaluate one’s requirements on several criteria. We adopt a Checklist approach and cannot go wrong on this.
Cost of formation should be the last criterion. Uppermost criteria should be licensing activities suitability & flexibility, ease of obtaining employees’ work permit, image one wants to project by the choice of location, strategy of the business, customers & suppliers comfortability, compliance requirements, among others.

General Manager’s UAE Visa Assistance
This may sound as if it is not a required service. But not availing it has a huge opportunity cost.

Obtaining General Manager’s UAE Residence Visa is critical and time bound. On this depends the opening of one’s bank account. And without one having an operational bank account, business cannot begin.
We understand the importance of having in place General Manager’s Residence Visa (Investor or Employment) no sooner than the establishment of one’s legal entity. This may take its own time if one does not know how to approach getting this Residence Visa. Any delay has its multiplying opportunity cost, which no business can afford, more so if that happens to be one’s first business venture.
We know it’s service requirement experientially and so have included this service assistance in our services portfolio.

Tax Residency Certificate [TRC] Application Service
Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) is to enable applicant to take advantage of Double Tax Avoidance Agreements (DTAA) on income earned in the UAE.

Tax Residency Certificate may be required for Treaty purposes and/or for Domestic purposes.
We help in obtaining this TRC as one of our compliance related services. We understand its fiscal importance.
All persons resident of UAE can avail this service as and when required. Persons include both natural person and legal entity.